Rezqorten gaming

Clan Rewards weapons [S2 - S60]

Weapon clan rewards: [Season 2 - Season 60]

Season 2 : [Rewarded for NS Indonesia Clan
S2 Soul Katana Kusanagi 

Damage: 150
Effect: Make target bleed for 2 turns. (10% extra damage)

-Season 3 :[Rewarded for Emblem Elite]
S3 ShurikenKurosemi 

Damage: 200
Effect: Inflict Numb on target for 2 turns. (Reduce 5% Dodge chance)

Season 4 : [Rewarded for Emblem Elite]
S4 Soul Katana Anakasumi

Damage: 200
Effect: Reduce jutsu CP consumption for 5%

Season 5 : [Rewarded for MC BABY]
S5 Soul Katana Namigaeshi

Damage: 200
Effect: Take 50% damage by CP instead of HP (Ratio 1CP = 2HP)

Season 6 : [Rewarded for Zheninjas]
S6 Soul Spear Matsukaze 

Damage: 200
Effect: 5% chance to reduce skill cooldown by 1 turn (Not efective on talent skills)

Season 7 : [Rewarded for Emblem Elite]
S7 Soul Tessen Sakasama

Damage: 200
Effect: 15% chance to block attack damage when HP is less than 50%

Season 8 : [Rewarded for Elite Latina]
S8 Soul Katana Gyoubu
Damage: 200
Effect: Increase all attack damage by 6% and reduce damage taken by 6% until the end of
next turn after using the weapon

Season 9 : [Rewarded for Emblem Elite]
S9 Soul Spear Nanakiri 

Damage: 200
Effect: Increase purify chance every turn by 6%

Season 10 : [Rewarded for Pasukan Kamikaze]
S10 Hidden Gunbai Yokozuna 

Damage: 360
Effect: Increase 20% accuracy. 20% chance to block attack damage

Season 11 : [Rewarded for Zheninjas]

Damage: 360
Effect: Increase 35% accuracy. Recover 8% HP every turn

Season 12 : [Rewarded for ZheninjasPasukan Kamikaze]
S12 Hidden Shuriken Kyuhoshi 
Damage: 360
Effect: Increase 35% accuracy. Recover 8% HP every turn

Season 13 : [Rewarded for ZheninjasPasukan Kamikaze]
S13 Hidden Katana Yoake 
Damage: 360
Effect: Increase 80% accuracy. Increase all attack damage by 5%

Season 14 : [Rewarded for Elite LatinaFilipino clan]
Damage: 360
Effect: Increase 20% accuracy. 35% chances of using Jutsu without CP

Season 15 : [Rewarded for Elite LatinaFilipino clan]
S15 Hidden Sickle Bloody Mist
Damage: 360
Effect: Increase 35% accuracy. 35% chance to remove target’s positive status effect with weapon attack

Season 16 : [Rewarded for Indonesia All StarElite Latina]
Damage: 360
Effect: Increase 20% accuracy. Reduce Jutsu CP consumption for 25%

Season 17 : [Rewarded for Latin BloodEmblem Elite]
S17 Ultimate Katana Anko
Damage: 480
Effect: Increase 20% accuracy. Reduce 35% of the target CP on every weapon attack

Season 18 : [Rewarded for Emblem EliteJounin Gakure]
S18 Ultimate Katana Yiwashimizu

Damage: 480
Effect: Increase 35% accuracy. Inflict poison when attack with weapon – reduce 10% HP for 2 turns

Season 19 : [Rewarded for Jounin GakureEmblem Elite]

Damage: 480
Effect: Increase 20% accuracy. Restore 20% CP every turn

Season 20 : [Rewarded for Emblem EliteJounin Gakure]
Damage: 480
Effect: Increase 20% accuracy. Bleed enemy who attack the weapon holder – receive 35% extra damage for 2 turns

Season 21 : [Rewarded for Jounin GakureEmblem Elite]
Damage: 480
Effect: Increase 35% accuracy, Make target bleed for 2 turns. (35% extra damage)

Season 22 : [Rewarded for Emblem EliteJounin Gakure]

Damage: 480
Effect: Increase 20% accuracy. Reduce damage taken by 20%

Season 23 : [Rewarded for Jounin GakureEmblem Elite]

Damage: 480
Effect: Increase 20% accuracy. Reduce target 25% CP on every weapon attack

Season 24 : [Rewarded for Emblem EliteJounin Gakure]

Damage: 480
Effect: Increase 35% accuracy. Inflict numb on target for 2 turns. (reduce 35% dodge chance)

Season 25 : [Rewarded for Human Born To DieJounin Gakure]
Damage: 480
Effect: Increase 35% accuracy. Recover HP by 8% every turn

Season 26 : [Rewarded for Jounin GakureHuman Born To Die]
Damage : 480
Effect : Increase 20% accuracy. Restore 20% CP every turn

Season 27 : [Rewarded for Jounin Gakure, Emblem Elite]
S27 Ultimate Blade Yukihaku 
Damage : 480
Effect : Increase 35% accuracy. 25% chance to freeze target with weapon attack. (Frozen target can’t move but -30% damage taken in 2 turn)

Season 28 : [Rewarded for Emblem Elite, Jounin Gakure]
Damage : 480
Effect: Increase 35% Accuracy. Inflict poison when attack with weapon – reduce 10% HP for 2 turn

Season 29 : [Rewarded for Jounin GakureHuman Of Kamikaze]
Damage : 480
Effect : Increase 20% accuracy. 35% chance of using jutsu without CP

Season 30 : [Rewarded for Jounin GakureHuman Of Kamikaze]
Damage : 480
Effect : Increase 20% accuracy. 20% chance to block attack damage

Season 31 : [Rewarded for Jounin GakureHuman Of Kamikaze]
Damage : 480
Effect : Reduce damage taken by 10%. Recover 5% HP every turn

Season 32 : [Rewarded for Jounin GakureShad0w Ninja Clan]
Damage : 488
Effect : Increase 30% Accuracy. Recover HP by 9% every turn

Season 33 : [Rewarded for Jounin GakureHuman Of Kamikaze]
Damage : 480
Effect : Increase 35% Accuracy. Inflict numb on target for 2 turns. (Reduce 35% Dodge Chance)

Season 34 : [Rewarded for Jounin GakureShad0w Ninja Clan]
Damage : 240
Effect : Increase 20% accuracy. Increase all attack damage by 15%

Season 35 : [Rewarded for Jounin GakureLast Ninjas]
Damage : 380
Effect : Take 35% of total damage by CP instead of HP. (1CP = 2HP)

Season 36 : [Rewarded for Jounin GakureLast Ninjas]
Damage : 488
Effect: Increase Attack Damage by 50% in the next turn after a successful dodge.

Season 37 : [Rewarded for Last NinjasJounin Gakure]
Damage : 480
Effect: Increase 30% accuracy. 70% chance to inflict bloodfeed – recover HP after attack. (Amount: 30% of the attack damage)

Season 38: [Rewarded for Last NinjasJounin Gakure]
Damage: 360
Effect: Increase 10% accuracy. Each successful attack by weapon will reduce cooldown of All Jutsu for 2 turns

Season 39: [Rewarded for Jounin Gakure, Last Ninjas]
Damage: 480
Effect: Increase 20% accuracy. 70% chance to freeze target 1 turn when attack with weapon.

Season 40: [Rewarded for Jounin Gakure, Last Ninjas]
Damage: 400
Effect: Increase 30% accuracy. Weaken enemy upon each weapon attack – reduce 400 HP damage for 3 turns

Season 41: [Rewarded for Last Ninjas, Shad0w Ninja Clan]
Damage: 420
Effect: Increase 15% accuracy. Burn enemy upon each weapon attack – additional 300 HP damage for 5 turns. Increase 8% reactive force

Season 42: [Rewarded for Jounin Gakure, Last Ninjas]
Damage: 480
Effect: Increase 20% accuracy. 20% damage reduction

Season 43: [Rewarded for Jounin Gakure, Shad0w Ninja Clan]
Damage: 452
Effect: Increase 35% accuracy. Recover 10% CP every turn if current CP is less than 60%

Season 44: [Rewarded for Jounin Gakure, Last Ninjas]
S44 Rock Splitter
Damage: 488
Effect: A mighty weapon that has the power of earth. Increases accuracy by 30%, each successful weapon attack reduces cooldown of all Jutsu by 1 turn.

Season 45: [Rewarded for Jounin GakureLast Ninjas]
S45 Herakuresu Kabutomushi

Damage: 478
Effect: Increases accuracy by 25%. 30% of damage received will be transferred from HP to CP (Ratio: 1CP = 2HP). Recovers 5% of Max. CP every turn.

Season 46: [Rewarded for Jounin Gakure, Last Ninjas]
S46 Ultimate Staff Supreme
Damage: 480
Effect: Increase 20% accuracy. 15% chance of inflicting Chaos on target for 1 turn.

Season 47: [Rewarded for Jounin Gakure, Last Ninjas]
S47 Red Lotus Fan

Damage: 480
Effect: Increases accuracy by 30%. Reduce jutsu CP consumption for 20% and recover CP after HP reduction. (Amount: 25% of HP reduction)

Season 48: [Rewarded for Jounin GakureLast NinjasShad0w Ninja Clan, Jigoku Syoujyou, Black Cero, Filipino clan, Swordless Samurai, Kaskus Clan, Alianza Latina,Shadow of Albania, Mutsu Enmei Ryu, MAO, Shad0w Ninja  Clan, Genin Gakure, Blood Brothers, WARRIOR OF ATLANTIS]

Damage: 490
Effect: A legendary sword once used by the revered ‘Flame King Champion’. Increases accuracy by 40%. Has 35% chance to remove target’s positive status effect using weapon attack and recovers 5% of user’s max HP every turn.

Season 49: [Rewarded for Jounin Gakure, Last Ninjas, Shad0w Ninja Clan, LAKAS PINAS CLAN, Human Born To Die, Jigoku Syoujyou, Knights of Darkness, Shadow of Albania, MAO, WARRIOR OF ATLANTIS]
S49 Serpent Dragon Schyte
Damage: 477

Effect: A razor sharp-schyte that emits an eerie and dominant aura. It is said that only few human’s can weild it. Increase accuracy by 35%. Restores 5% of the user’s max CP every turn and reduces target’s CP by 20% every successful weapon attack.
Season 50: [Rewarded for Jounin Gakure, Last Ninjas, Shad0w Ninja Clan]
S50 Buster Blade
Damage: 499
Effect: A gigantic sword with immense destructive that can rip even the sea. Increases accuracy by 40% and restores 7% of the user’s max HP each turn. Has a 40% chance to inflict burning when attack with weapon – Reduce 8% HP for 1 turn.
Season 51: [Rewarded for Jounin Gakure, Shad0w Ninja Clan, Last Ninjas, Jigoku Syoujyou, Alianza Latina, Get BackerS, Filipino clan]
S51 Sacred Phoenix Greatblad
Damage: 480

Effect: Increases accuracy by 35%. Recovers 10% of your max HP after being debuffed. Inflicts ‘Burn’ status for 2 turns on every successful weapon attack (4% HP damage).

Season 53: [Rewarded for Jigoku Syoujyou, Alianza Latina, Shad0w Ninja Clan, Last Ninjas, Filipino clan, MAO, Blood Brothers, Indonesia Evolution, S1LH03TT3 0F D34TH, Knights of Darkness, Saganinjas, Legendary Darkness, 4za Aremania, Clan Kurama 69]
S53 Mirage Staff

Damage: 485
Effect: Increases accuracy by 35% and restore 5% of the user’s max HP each turn. Has a 20% chance to block attack damage when HP is less than 40%.

S54 ShadowStalker

Damage: 490
Effect: Increases accuracy by 35%. Inflicts ‘Bleeding’ status (30% additional damage) and ‘Numb’ status (10% dodge reduction) for 3 turns on every successful weapon attack.

Season 55:
S55 Sword of the Sea Bringer
Damage: 500

Effect: Increases accuracy by 35% and purify chance by 10%. Has 25% chance to reduce skill cooldown by 1 turn at the start of each. (Not effective on talent skill)

S56 Amethyst Axe

Damage: 485
Effect: Famed axe of the ‘Berserkers. This axe increases the ferocity of its user and induces bloodlust. Increases accuracy by 30%. Increase critical chance by 10%. 60% chance to inflict bloodfeed – recover HP after attack. (Amount: 40% of the attack damage)
S57 Staff of Twilight's Curse

Damage: 485
Effect: Increases accuracy by 35%. Reduce cooldown of all 'jutsu' by 1 turn and reduce
target's CP by 20% on every successful weapon attack (Excluding talent skills)

S58 Nightingale
Damage: 488
Effect: Increases accuracy by 35%. and inflicts 'blind' status for 2 turns on every successful weapon attack (30% accuracy redution). Increases attack damage by 30% in the next turn after dodging an attack

S59 Thunder Spear
Damage: 480
Effect: Increases accuracy by 35%. Has 25% chances of using jutsu without CP. Has 50% chance to freeze target 2 turns when attack with weapon. 'Frozen' target cannot move but damage taken is reduced by 80%

S60 #unknown


|Made by Rezqorten. |

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